Welcome to ANMOL JEEVAN FOUNDATION - De Addiction and Rehabilitation Center - Treatment for Alcohol and Drugs Addiction

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ANMOL JEEVAN FOUNDATION - De Addiction and Rehabilitation Center - Treatment for Alcohol and Drugs Addiction
For a chemically dependent person, recovery starts with abstaining from alcohol and drugs. It should also be combined with developing coping skills to lead a balanced life style without the use of mood altering substances.

Treatment module emphasize on recovery to face reality and live life on life’s terms with self acceptance. Our treatment approach uses component of 12 steps program to educate patients about addictive illness and facilitate the recovery process. Family members are an important part of our treatment approach.
About Anmol Jeevan Foundation
It consists of bringing clients to face reality of the disease. One of the main symptoms of chemical dependency is denial. The goal of intervention is also to break through denial pattern of the client on his attitude and behavior due to alcohol and drug abuse to help the client recognize the adverse consequences likely to occur if the disease is not treated. This step involves convincing the client that they are responsible for their own action, while reminding them of how alcohol/drug has created significant impairments in all area of life. It also maximizes the motivation for treatment and abstinence.
About Anmol Jeevan Foundation
Medically assisted process by which the addictive substance is withdrawn from the system. Acute withdrawal last from 1 to 14 days.

Creating awareness about the disease of addiction chemical dependency or substance abuse is the first stage in recovery. Assessing the individual clients for medical and psychiatric problems caused due to alcoholism/drug addiction and to facilitate appropriate medical treatment for the same.
About Anmol Jeevan Foundation
Treatment Module
About Anmol Jeevan Foundation
Counseling Sessions for families
Creating awareness on chemical dependence and co dependence to make life style changes to facilitate recovery and exposure to 12 steps program for families.
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